From the Mod:
Looking for html writers and mods.
1. We do not speak of trainwreckspot.
2. No spoofing.
3. No posting of personal details.
4. No porn spam.
1. When replying, quote if replying to a specific comment.
2. When adding submissions, please link to offending topic.
If you have any more rules and such, just throw in a comment.
Reminder: Submission thread on the right.
Clicking the timestamp instead of the Comments link improves readability.
Original Date: 5/4/05
Two comments on readability:
1. You may want to increase the width of the display. You can do that by changing the CSS from a fixed number of pixels to a percentage (e.g., 95%) of any user's display. Actually, I already have it saved as a text file; I'll email it to you (it's a pretty simple change, and I don't want to hack that much more into it).
2. From the readers' standpoint, clicking on the timestamp rather than the "comments" link leads to a better reading experience, in my experience anyway.
The other reason I thought this is interesting is because (apparently) even with the popup enabled, if a reader clicked on the comments link from the main threads display, no popup will show, and will still get this default postage stamp. Seems like a bug on Blogger's part. I'll see if there's a way around it, but no promises.
One advantage, as it were, of having a strictly chronological comments display is that it's easy to see what the latest entries are, at the expense of being able to follow conversation threads.
When one of you mods puts up a new OP, maybe you can make the link open up in a new window? This is done via:
[a href="" target="_new"]Look, linky![/a]
(replace <> for [], of course)
This wasn't a feature on LJ, I realize, but since we're all new here anyway, I figure this might be good to implement.
wphill at mac do(spammersuckmyballs)t com
That annoys the hell out of me. Maybe you could just right click and hit open in new window?
I sent you mail meros.
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