Everything you didn't want to know about Stretch marks but are tortured by anyway
From the submission thread:
Incubus assaults our retinas with a discussion about stretch marks.
Eurgh. Being the TMI-manwhore that he is, informs us that he *gasp!* has stretch marks. As if the guy wasn't disgusting enough, he's got ass cheeks like look like a giant pair of ribbon candy. Sick.
190? Come on, you've got to be joking. If this guy has stretch marks, particularly near the caboose area, he's gotta be HUGE right? So he's disgusting and lies about being fat?
Honorable mention goes to Indygrrl who just has to chime in to mention how perfect she is. I swear she's drawn to threads like this like a fly on shit.
Mod note: we are loving bodies and body parts at the moment, aren't we?
Heh. Just thought: And they called US the Me Generation! Ha!
I guess she saves all her manac episodes for the SDMB community.
With all the weigh fluctuations Opalcat has had, she must be the mother of all stretch marks.
Stretch marks are absolutely disgusting. That Incubus guy must have really gotten smacked hard by the ugly stick to wind up with them if he is only 190 pounds at his height; the thought of a gangly looking guy with stretch marks makes me nauseous.
[proud of her stretch mark free boobs, butt, thighs and tummy]
Some fun quotes from Miss Perfection:
"I'd like to watch it. I've always loved Pam. She's beeeyoootiful."
"Good implants are good, bad boob jobs are the work of satan. haha."
"Pam's video was infinitely hotter than Paris's. That is all."
What part of PA is beeeyoootiful, exactly? The ginormous fake udders, I mean, tits? The collegen inflated duck-lips? The orange tan-in-a-can? The overprocessed bleach blonde hair? The acrylic dragonlady nails-of-death? The ten pounds of liquid foundation, blush, concealer, eye shadow, eyeliner, mascara, powder, lip liner, and lipstick?
Well then, I have to agree. Thats an attractive batch of chemicals right there! Whoo! *starts jerking off* Aw, yeah!
Who wants to bet Inky found his stretchmarks while admiring his prostate?
Yes, and I'm masturbating like a motherfuck right now!
Hang on to your kitty! Its raining links!
And one to grow on:
And I will accept your apology in advance. I'm cool like that.
God, I'd hate to be around you when The Drew Carey Show is on...
Sweetie, if you don't have a single stretchmark on your boobs, I can pretty much guarantee that they're nothing to be proud of.
And both of you can bite my cock.
Remove the individual "not" of your choice there. Thank you.
She didn't say she had (or lacked) stretch marks which leaves it open. Though I doubt it; how many strippers have you seen with stretch marks?
[excluding Opalcat for everyone's sakes]
[proud of her stretch mark free boobs, butt, thighs and tummy]
Please don't ever birth children or gain any weight as you hit menopause. Of course, varicose veins are generally uglier and more noticeable than stretch marks, and you'll probably end up with those anyway.
Because that's where you see the majority of your unphotoshopped naked women?
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