Saturday, April 16, 2005

The Experiment: Engine the Anti-Mod

Sunday 10 April

Last night I wandered into #straightdope chat for the first time. At first I was surprised by the lack of snark, which I have come to believe is running riot on chat. Second, I came to learn that one of the dopers on there had sent in a Mod Application after receiving one from TubaDiva, and nothing had happened. I was surprised, why SkipMagic and not this doper? I wondered, well, if they'll have SkipMagic as a mod, why not someone modding an anonymous snark community against them? So this doper forwarded me an application.
The application included such questions as:
  • What is your daytime phone number?
  • What is your address?
  • What ISP do you use?
    And of course, the good ol':
  • Why do you want to be a volunteer at The Straight Dope?
    My favourite:
  • Are you now or have you been an chat host or a moderator? If yes, what area(s)?

I wasn't expecting a reply, or, if any, it to look something like this.
Dear Go You Big Red Fire Engine;
Get fucked.
Your Humble Tubadiva
Instead I received this no less then 6 hours after sending my application: to me
I am in receipt of your application and I have forwarded it up the pipeline for processing.

We'll let you know as soon as you come out the other side of the vetting procedure. I'm not in charge of that, so this may take some time. Please be patient and do not take it personally; the wheels of Zotti grind slowly and exceedingly fine.

your humble TubaDiva
Which I translated to mean "get fucked". Later that same day; I receive this email from Arnold Winkelried.
Hello, Arnold Winkelried from the SDMB here.
I see that you have sent an application to be a Straight Dope moderator. In your application you said you had experience "[m]odding various SDMB related communities." What communities were those? Could you send a link to the online communities?

moderator, Straight Dope Message Board

I can't lie, so I tell him the truth. Yes, I modded a livejournal community namd trainwreckspotting (now defunct) and I run a blog on blogspot called trainwreckspotting. As if he didn't know already.
Suffice to say it has been a week and still no response. Damnit, why SkipMagic and not someone running a SDMB snark community?
ADDED Engine Note: This is a joke. I don't have anything against SkipMagic, I just wanted to see what would happen if someone in my position attempted to become a mod. Of course, Tuba bullshitted to me, and Zotti's out of the loop.


At 4/16/2005 6:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous snarked:
Hey, I applied years ago and never heard anything. At least you got some play.  
At 4/16/2005 7:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous snarked:
Jesus Fuck, you're the dimmer side of bright. What do you have against SkipMagic?  
At 4/16/2005 7:49 PM, Blogger Natasha snarked:
Can't take a joke huh?  
At 4/16/2005 10:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous snarked:
Aw you little cunt, it's so hard to hate you.  
At 4/16/2005 11:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous snarked:
HA! She was way nicer to me. :P

I thought you might find the lack of snark in chat to be a bit curious, but don't think that it's completely lacking. It's just not as frequent (or as blatant, really) as it used to be.  
At 4/17/2005 1:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous snarked:
Heh... even the United States waited until Germany had surrendered before hiring all their Jew-slaughtering mad scientists.  
At 4/17/2005 3:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous snarked:

[sarcasm]The Engine has made it in the big world of the Dope.[/sarcasm]

What exactly were/are you trying to prove? That you can lick Yank arse?

We already know that you can get on your knees to do the licking, but is it only Yank arse that you lick?

And do your knees ever get sore?  
At 4/17/2005 7:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous snarked:
OK, what's with the anon who thinks Go You Big Red Fire Engine likes America(ns) too much? I don't get the, apparently running, gag (and yes I know she's Aussie).

If you have a link to some Star Spangle Suckoff why don't you post it or something. You sound like a lame dude honing lame grudges.  
At 4/17/2005 9:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous snarked:
You really are a hateful disgusting piece of shit, aren't ya Engine. I never noticed you on the SDMB until recently and now it is apparent you are behind most, if not all, of the anonymous snark boards. You are a filthy cunt. How sad must your life be that you have to stir up the shit to watch people get hurt. You should really watch your back considering that some people have really be hurt because of you and would like nothing more than to take revenge.  
At 4/17/2005 9:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous snarked:
I may be over reacting, but you might want to be careful with that last comment. I can just see this place being shut down for harrassment over something stupid like that. Maybe it should be deleted or edited?  
At 4/17/2005 9:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous snarked:
" You really are a hateful disgusting piece of shit, aren't ya Engine."

The only disgusting piece of shit I can see here is you, you pathetic asswipe.

Here's a suggestion You don't like it here? Then fuck off. But the truth is, you can't stay away, can you? Face it, fuckface, you're a whiney little hypocrite.  
At 4/17/2005 10:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous snarked:
The last sentence wasn't a threat. It was a simple comment. I know of quite a few people who have really been trying to figure out who has been behind all of the vile anonymous shit.

Why? I have no idea.  
At 4/17/2005 10:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous snarked:
Here's a suggestion You don't like it here? Then fuck off. But the truth is, you can't stay away, can you? Face it, fuckface, you're a whiney little hypocrite.

Whoa there Nelly! You got some spit on your chin.  
At 4/17/2005 10:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous snarked:
quite a few people...have really been trying to figure out who has been behind all of the vile anonymous shit.

Do these people think there's an evil mastermind (or a group of masterminds) behind the anon. communities? Please, they need a hefty dose of reality.  
At 4/17/2005 11:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous snarked:
They just want an enemy. The world feels much safer when you have someone specific to hate.  
At 4/17/2005 12:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous snarked:
"Here's a suggestion You don't like it here? Then fuck off."

Here's another suggestion. Don't like someone on the SDMB? Then fuck off. No one forces you to read their posts, shitstain.  
At 4/17/2005 12:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous snarked:
You should really watch your back considering that some people have really be hurt because of you and would like nothing more than to take revenge.

Yeah sure. Name me one person that's really had their life ruined because anonymous people talked about how dumb they were being on a messageboard behind their backs.

Time for a reality check you self inmportant little shit!  
At 4/17/2005 12:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous snarked:
OK, what's with the anon who thinks Go You Big Red Fire Engine likes America(ns) too much? I don't get the, apparently running, gag (and yes I know she's Aussie).

Another Australian poster (Sysyphus' Stone) who got banned last year sometime for being obnoxious apparanty has decided that it's a good use of his time to follow Engine around the various snark boards and bitch about how she's sucking up to the Yank overlords.

Why he thinks she's sucking up we'll probably never know, probably because she hasn't been banned or something equally as trivial.

It's kind of sad, really.  
At 4/17/2005 1:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous snarked:
Last night I wandered into #straightdope chat for the first time. At first I was surprised by the lack of snark, which I have come to believe is running riot on chat.

What makes you think anyone in chat would say anything with you there?  
At 4/17/2005 1:34 PM, Blogger secretdubai snarked:
The last sentence wasn't a threat. It was a simple comment. I know of quite a few people who have really been trying to figure out who has been behind all of the vile anonymous shit.

So why are you here, participating, if you find it so abhorrent?

If you have some "valiant" motive like exposing people's identities, then a somewhat more subtle and cooperative approach would be expected.

But you're not are you? You're here because you get off on snark just as much as anyone. And from your comments here, you're one of the nastiest fucking abusive snarkers of the lot.

So get off your fucking highhorse, or fuck off.

(That felt sooooo good).  
At 4/17/2005 1:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous snarked:
Obviously your appearance in #straightdope is going to change the tenor of the conversation. We're not interested in feeding your gossip mill, and we're not interested in being the subject of your sad little snark blogs.

Since you found it so unsatisfying, I'd suggest that you just stay out of chat. You're never going to be welcomed there or privy to anything of interest because the regulars have already come to a fairly strong consensus that we're not going to say anything of interest when you're there.  
At 4/17/2005 2:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous snarked:
So...are you saying that the people in chat are snarking, too, but they just don't want us to know about it?  
At 4/17/2005 2:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous snarked:
quite a few people...have really been trying to figure out who has been behind all of the vile anonymous shit.

I hope they're not so naive as to assume that the person who moderates is personally responsible for all nastiness that is said.

There's a real simplistic view of the anonymous communities held by some people on the SDMB. This sounds like one more symptom of that.  
At 4/17/2005 2:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous snarked:
You're never going to be welcomed there or privy to anything of interest because the regulars have already come to a fairly strong consensus that we're not going to say anything of interest when you're there.

Yeah, you dare you people have a gossip place where anyone can participate? And where anyone can see what is being said about them? Only our select little #straightdope clique is allowed to say nasty things about people, and then only behind their backs! The nerve!  
At 4/17/2005 2:52 PM, Blogger Natasha snarked:
"I never noticed you on the SDMB until recently and now it is apparent you are behind most, if not all, of the anonymous snark boards. You are a filthy cunt. How sad must your life be that you have to stir up the shit to watch people get hurt."
Well I am behind 1 snark board, out of how many? Who knows, 10, 20? I am not the evil mastermind you envision. Show me someone who actually got hurt by what is said here, and I will show you someone who need to move out of home and grow up a bit and get out in the real world.
"Obviously your appearance in #straightdope is going to change the tenor of the conversation. We're not interested in feeding your gossip mill, and we're not interested in being the subject of your sad little snark blogs."
If I wanted snark from anywhere, I don't get it myself. If anything actually interesting was being said on #straightdope, I woulda had a submission about it by now.
I'm not interesting in feeding your gossip mill, so look for material elsewhere. We're not interested in being the subject of your sad little IRC chat.  
At 4/17/2005 6:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous snarked:
Show me someone who actually got hurt by what is said here, and I will show you someone who need to move out of home and grow up a bit and get out in the real world.

There have been some really cruel and hateful things posted in your little community. It doesn't matter how grown up and out in the real world someone may be, it still can fucking hurt.

What a sad and vile life YOU must have if you get off on seeing other people trashed.

You don't realise it, but not everyone lets this shit slide off their back. Don't kid yourseld, you really are playing with fire.

You're here because you get off on snark just as much as anyone.

No, I am here because I am just fucking sick of seeing lies about others and maybe I can correct something that is not true.  
At 4/17/2005 6:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous snarked:
For the record, the people in #straightdope don't gossip and snark, we talk about ourselves and what's happening in our lives and things that we're reading, watching and listening to. We don't need to snark, we're there to chat with one another. Sorry to burst your bubble.  
At 4/17/2005 7:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous snarked:

No, I am here because I am just fucking sick of seeing lies about others and maybe I can correct something that is not true.

Admit it, you're here because you love the feelings of indignation and outrage you get by getting "offended" at the snark.

I bet you read the site with your hand down your pants.  
At 4/17/2005 8:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous snarked:
QUOTE:No, I am here because I am just fucking sick of seeing lies about others and maybe I can correct something that is not true.

Our very own truth police, anonymously volunteering their time for the good of others. That's what makes trainwreckspotting such a great community.

BTW Engine, you've definitly ruined your mod chances now. You posted a joke thread in a BBQPit-like environment.  
At 4/18/2005 6:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous snarked:
I wasn't expecting a reply, or, if any, it to look something like this.
Dear Go You Big Red Fire Engine;
Get fucked. ... Instead I received this no less then 6 hours after sending my application ... «Which I translated to mean "get fucked".»

Translation: I so badly wanted them to tell me in so many words to "get fucked", that I'm going to pretend they did even when they didn't. :rolleyes:

Did you honestly think you would be made a moderator? I don't get it, what's your beef here?  
At 4/18/2005 7:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous snarked:
Engine, you need to take your OP and post it in The BBQ Pit. You've done nothing wrong at the dope and your application deserves a response. Do you want me to create a sock and go post it for you?  
At 4/18/2005 7:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous snarked:
You've done nothing wrong at the dope and your application deserves a response. Do you want me to create a sock and go post it for you?

That's just shit-stirring.  
At 4/18/2005 10:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous snarked:
For the record, the people in #straightdope don't gossip and snark, we talk about ourselves and what's happening in our lives and things that we're reading, watching and listening to.

Golly, and ain't it just a coincidence that the things you talk about in #straightdope wind up being snarked about HERE ten minutes later?

Man, I miss naivete. I was so innocent back then...

Anyway, Big Red ain't the trouble. It's the folks you DON'T know about that are fucking you over, buddy.  
At 4/18/2005 1:38 PM, Blogger Natasha snarked:
"Engine, you need to take your OP and post it in The BBQ Pit. You've done nothing wrong at the dope and your application deserves a response. Do you want me to create a sock and go post it for you?"
No it's ok.
"Did you honestly think you would be made a moderator? I don't get it, what's your beef here?"
No I didn't. No beef, just thought any response would be funny.  
At 4/18/2005 5:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous snarked:

Don't look now but I think this place has just hit the wall.  
At 4/18/2005 6:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous snarked:
Dole...can of pineapples. Oh, yeah. Reeeal subtle.  
At 4/18/2005 6:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous snarked:
TVeblen is such a spoilsport. That thread didn't even have time to reach half-bloom!  
At 4/18/2005 8:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous snarked:
Patience, grasshopper! Dole has departed now!  
At 4/18/2005 9:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous snarked:
For the record, the people in #straightdope don't gossip and snark

Yes we do.  
At 4/18/2005 9:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous snarked:
QUOTE: Yes we do

Help! Help! Truth Police! Show the logs!  
At 4/19/2005 12:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous snarked:
Heh. People in chat should start taking screenshots. Hint hint, nudge nudge... a la Woody/Bernie.  
At 4/19/2005 7:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous snarked:
Heh, I was thinking more along the lines of the legend of Ceciliantas.  

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