Thursday, April 14, 2005

C K Dexter Haven is an ass. Discuss

From the submission thread:

"Non-Apology Apologies and why they don't help a goddamn thing"
"Clarification Requested on "Medical Advice""


At 4/14/2005 4:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous snarked:
Hey, now you can call the mods asinine any time you want and be safe.  
At 4/14/2005 6:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous snarked:
The level of smarm in that pit thread makes me want to vomit. The person asks a question, gets pissed, and bitches about it in The Pit. Exactly what the forum was designed for. Then along comes the sycophantic smarm squad to kiss some royal ass and make themselves look worse than the original offense. 'Maybe you really ARE stupid, STUPID!! Hahahahaa'. 'Stupid is as stupid does - Forrest Gump (Hey! I should start a famous movie quote thread! Wheee!!!)'. 'Well you know you really are wrong and we're all right. Right CK? Hello CK, notice me please. I'm supporting you'.

Whoever said the Pit is dead is right. And whoever said the PLACE is dead, well, I'm starting to come around to your side.

At 4/14/2005 6:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous snarked:
For fuck's sake. I'm all about slagging the staff, but in this case, Dex did nothing wrong.

Minnie, you're a whining cunt. And fat, too!

Shit, this place sucks.  
At 4/14/2005 7:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous snarked:
Whatever. Did you even read the threads? It starts off nice enough and should have been handled like anything else. Instead, Dexter jumps in and gets all high and mighty without provocation. And it's one thing to be high and haughty when in a fight, it's just another tactic, but it's something else to get all high and halted with someone simply asking a question.

Or at least that's the way it should be. The dope's turned into a bunch of weeble windbags as of late and I guess I shouldn't be so surprised.

Yeah, that's it. You suck Minnie!! I feel independent thought and reason leaving me already.  
At 4/14/2005 7:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous snarked:
Minnie, you're a whining cunt. And fat, too!

Shit, this place sucks.

Well go pay your nine bucks and suck off CK where it'll do more good. Oh but let me guess, you've already paid for your next year to "show your support for Tuba". Fucking asslicker.  
At 4/14/2005 8:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous snarked:
Hi, I'm back.

Look. I'm all for criticising the staff, but I think a slightly acerbic tone is just part of the deal on the SDMB. Read Cecil's columns. Now, you may not like Dex's carcasm, but it's not like he ripped li'l Minnie up there a new asshole. She overreacted in a big way by pitting him.

As for your other questions: no, I do not wish to suck anyone's dick, and no, I don't pay for the SDMB.  
At 4/14/2005 8:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous snarked:
What I absolutely don't get is, Dex finds the idea of a thread about "how did you cope with kidney stones" to be assinine, how the fuck does he cope with reading the SDMB regularly without turning to the nearest window and jumping the fuck out?  
At 4/14/2005 9:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous snarked:
Hasn't it been established that C K Dexter is just a pseudonym for whoever draws the short straw at the Reader that day? That'd make anyone grumpy, especially towards the teeming cows they so dislike herding.  
At 4/15/2005 5:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous snarked:
Closed. But not before they got in a homophobe shot and pointed out spelling mistakes.

They should make that thread a sticky for newbies.  
At 4/15/2005 8:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous snarked:
I would love to know how they can tell the difference between people who hold a medical degree and people who do not. Does the fact that you put "Dr." in your username make you a medical authority to be trusted? Do you simply have to say you're a doctor currently practicing and it's all OK? They're opening themselves up to lawsuits worse by implying that some posters do give out legitimate medical advice and some do not, based solely on the user name of the poster. I think I'll sign up as "KiddieDoc" and start dispensing medical advice to new parents and see how long that lasts. I'd probably be the new favorite poster, despite the fact that I don't have children and don't hold a medical degree.  

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