Saturday, April 16, 2005

Gone in 0.60 seconds aka The Mystery of the Missing Moose

From the submission thread - some curiosity as to the disappearance of LJ anonymoose:

Damn, that dope_anonymoose community didn't last long at all. From all appearances, it was deleted by its owner rather than suspended by LJ...if that makes a difference..."


Anonymous is gone? WHODUNNIT!?


At 4/16/2005 10:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous snarked:
The mod is/was the demented cunt who used to post on the Dope as Infectious Lass.

This stupid bitch is unable to do most anything in real life, much less mod a snark board.

Here's her LJ -

Sadly she's locked most of the good posts like the one about an Asian couple - or breeders, as she called them - moving next door, or the one bitching about her cousin calling her child by the name she'd always wanted to use. Damn bitch stole that name, just by breeding first.

More of her inane and insane ranting can be found on the Dope and in her earlier LJs:

Totally batshit fucking crazy.

More amusingly, the stupid cunt lives in a place called Staines.  
At 4/16/2005 10:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous snarked:
The guy clearly didn't know his ass from a hole in the ground. I figure he deleted it before it became too much of an embarrassment. (Too late, schmuck.)  
At 4/16/2005 10:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous snarked:
Ah! Change my 'he' to 'she' in the above post. The rest stands.  
At 4/16/2005 10:52 AM, Blogger secretdubai snarked:
Ah - she posted about it in her LJ. It's actually rather sad.

I can't believe her DOB though.  
At 4/16/2005 12:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous snarked:
Ah fuck it! Now I feel like I just bitchslapped Li'l Orphan Annie.  
At 4/16/2005 1:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous snarked:
You bitchslapped Lil' Orphan Whiney McSensitive. Don't beat yourself up.  
At 4/16/2005 3:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous snarked:
Amazing. Someone is more of a wuss than that wonderpussy Allanonmod.  
At 4/16/2005 9:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous snarked:
Oh shut the fuck up, helix_dicks.

You're just jealous that people liked that mod and are still talking about that journal. Twat.  
At 4/17/2005 8:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous snarked:
First off, it's wasn't me calling Allan "wonderpussy", although a more apt description could hardly be found.

Secondly, IF anyone cares, his wife apparently let him out of the kitchen long enough to post in my journal to ask about the anon communities. His journal is now open too but I don't know how long that'll last. I intend to pester him about Hayters a little more, just for fun.

Someone (not me) dropped a link to this place in there so maybe he'll drop by and regale us with his housecleaning tips. *snicker*.  

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