Tuesday, April 19, 2005

What do we think about this?

From the submission thread:
Allan has apparently come out of exile to ask about the anon communities. In the thread, he says he'd love to start up Hayters again but has to run it by his wife. He apparently checked the journal status and it has not yet been purged.

Let's say she gave him the okay: Would we go back there if he did? (Does anyone else doubt that he was tracking us with webbugs?) And, would it be worthwhile considering that someone seems hell-bent on having the LJ anon communities shut down anyway?

One of the reasons I'm asking is that I'm considering starting a new LJ anonymous spot myself. I want to see whether I should bother considering that an older, well-liked one might come back anyway.

On the same theme, another Anon submission points out that Inkleberry does not approve.


At 4/19/2005 9:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous snarked:
Why do people keep acting like Hayters was the end-all-be-all of anon communities? Sure, it gave us the turd-smoking joke. But it was just another in a line of anon forums. They're all essentially the same. I don't get this fawning all over "Allan" as if he were something special.

If it opens again, BFD. Ms. Robyn and the Hysterical Posse will have it shut down in a few days, just like the others.  
At 4/19/2005 9:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous snarked:
It's gotta be better than this garbage.
I am jonesing for some real snark in a readable format. I also think Fire Engine is a right twat.  
At 4/19/2005 9:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous snarked:
I wasn't around Hayters, so I can't say whether it was super cool or not. But I tried cobbling together a LJ community a week or so ago, just because the format is so much better. I'm an idiot though, and couldn't figure out all the settings. So I guess that means I vote for yes, please someone start one.  
At 4/19/2005 9:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous snarked:
If there is a God, He will allow Hayters to be reopend. This place and its mods sucks monkey balls.

At 4/19/2005 9:58 AM, Blogger Hamadryad snarked:
Well, whomever's thinking of starting one, why not set it up at DeadJournal?  
At 4/19/2005 10:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous snarked:
A snark board, whoever is running it, is only as good as its snark. If there's no good snark then ANY board is gonna suck.

Where have the anons gone that pulled up all that brilliant stuff about fuckknowswhattheirnameswere and got them kicked off the SDMB?

Now that was good snark!  
At 4/19/2005 10:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous snarked:
Hama, you rock. Good suggestion.  
At 4/19/2005 11:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous snarked:
Yes to DeadJournal if another attempt is to be made. I don't mind the readability here, easier to find new comments. In some ways however, the LJ style is nicer for the anon-conversation situation.

As hinted at above I don't envision some awesome snark explosion that's somehow being suppressed here. Prove me wrong, I guess.

It's nice the old one didn't get shutdown, serves as an archive. It would probably be better overall if it stays that way.  
At 4/19/2005 11:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous snarked:
So Punkrockgrrl is inkleberry? That just goes towards my theory that posters whith the grrl are uniformly idiots.  
At 4/19/2005 11:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous snarked:
The reason people seemed to like Hayters was IMO, due to the utter lack of rules. I don't think anybody really cares about "Allan" that much, frankly. (No offense dude if you're reading this.) The only rule there was no death threats, IIRC. Even then, I think it was only because they freaked the mod out.

However, also IIRC, this no-rules rule (heh) was partly what got his Nazi Wife on his case. He posted a really, really, REALLY stupid submission about wanting to kill niggers or something, and that apparently caught her eye. Then he got in BIG TWUBBLE and she made him delete it.

I don't know how he's gonna get around her this time. Maybe he'll have to actually moderate it instead of flirting with the chicks. (Not that there's anything wrong with that.)

Anyway, if it reopenes I'll be all over it like a fat kid on a smartie.  
At 4/19/2005 11:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous snarked:
Um...webbugs? WTF are webbugs?

Where are you people getting all this from?  
At 4/19/2005 11:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous snarked:
And if it re-opens, the SDMB offenderatti will have it shut down in a few days. So don't get too excited.  
At 4/19/2005 12:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous snarked:
I bet all the naysayers in here are one person: Helix_Dicks, Star of his own Fantasy World and Ruler of Autonomous Anal Investigations.

Fuck OFF twerp. Jesus.  
At 4/19/2005 12:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous snarked:
QUOTE: So Punkrockgrrl is inkleberry? That just goes towards my theory that posters whith the grrl are uniformly idiots.

Are you then like me? I prefer my idiots in casual dress.  
At 4/19/2005 12:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous snarked:
I thought Allan was a fun mod, personally. He would call us Fellow Weasels and stuff, remember? Hee.

What's wrong with that? I agree with the above poster, it was a fun place with a fun, laid-back mod. Why can't we like him better than some other mod?

And, he had the right idea, IMO, to not advertise the place. Maybe not advertising it, means it will live longer.  
At 4/19/2005 12:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous snarked:
QUOTE: I agree with the above poster, it was a fun place with a fun, laid-back mod.

Who the fuck are you agreeing with?  
At 4/19/2005 12:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous snarked:
Your mom was a fun lay.  
At 4/19/2005 1:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous snarked:
DeadJournal would be good, but you have to get invited. Or pony up $5, there's no free accounts there.  
At 4/19/2005 1:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous snarked:
OP here.

I'd be willing to pay the fee, but first I'd need to know whether what we want to do would violate their TOS. I'll look again, but I didn't even see any TOS posted anywhere.

I think I'll wait a while and see whether Hayters comes back anyway.  
At 4/19/2005 2:19 PM, Blogger Hamadryad snarked:
Okay then, how about here? LJ software is open-source, so there are quite a few places out there who use the same software.  
At 4/19/2005 2:21 PM, Blogger secretdubai snarked:
I would agree with those saying LJ is a better format. Particularly when nearly everyone is posting Anon, you really need the threading to keep track of who is responding to whom.

Plus you can Befriend a community and watch it in your Friends view. Probably my favourite LJ feature.

The only advantage here is that it can't get shut down.  
At 4/19/2005 2:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous snarked:
The only advantage here is that it can't get shut down.

Oh, the teeth gnashing and hand wringing that must be causing. I'm tempted to say screw it and let's stick it out here just for the sheer frustration level of the poor weenies who got the LJ anons shut down.  
At 4/19/2005 2:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous snarked:
I just seriously DO NOT get all the whining about rules. Here they are:

1. No spoofing.
2. No posting of personal details.
3. No porn spam.

Truly draconian.  
At 4/19/2005 2:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous snarked:
Allan Onmod said he had to put down his dog recently. I think I recall someone on the Dope describing having to do that recently. If that doper also posted about some marraige problems recently,like Allan indicated in that LJ thread, then we might find out who Allan is.

Does anyone care? I would search myself if I could, but I don't want to waste $14.95 just to do that and stil end up banned again. They catch my socks pretty quick.  
At 4/19/2005 3:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous snarked:
He said he hasn't been online at all since he shut down Hayters, so I think you might be fishing in the wrong pond there.

If he were comfy enough about the info to post it, its probably not tracable to the same persons in the recent dog death threads I've seen. (And I've seen at least 3).  
At 4/19/2005 3:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous snarked:
Huh. Was it you who started the "Allan" thing, Curious?  
At 4/19/2005 4:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous snarked:
Yes, I want to know who Allan is so I can follow him around begging to suck his dick.

Actually, if we find out who CoP is, then we'll know who Allan is. Of course, I've always thought CoP is actually Demo, and there are those who think Demo is allanonmod, so if we can find out who Demo is, then...

What? Oh shut up, wankers!  
At 4/19/2005 4:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous snarked:
Honestly, why the fuck does anyone really care who anyone else is in here? The only reason I can think of is to try causing trouble for them. That puts you right in the same league as the anti-anon shitstains, IMNSHO.

There is no reason to know who any of us are. Lets just have fun and enjoy the snark for fucks sakes.  
At 4/19/2005 4:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous snarked:
Anybody that participated in Al's comm. has to admit it was the most funnest comm. put out to date.

Way funner than this crapfest. Al has a sense of humor, unlike the mods here. I also hear he is better looking and is hung like a mule.  
At 4/19/2005 4:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous snarked:
Capt. Obvious says: Oh hello Al. Nice of you to drop by.  
At 4/19/2005 6:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous snarked:
What? Who?

At 4/19/2005 6:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous snarked:
Yes, I want to know who Allan is so I can follow him around begging to suck his dick.

I am Allan. My dick is ready.  
At 4/19/2005 6:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous snarked:
I don't remember which anon community was which. What were the highlights of that one?  
At 4/19/2005 7:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous snarked:
I think the reason this community sucks is that nothing particularly hilarious has happened on the board lately. I'm right there ready with my snark in the holster and I will yank it out the minute something yankworthy comes up. Some people get on my nerves, but not outrageously enough for me to submit a link.

Maybe I should read MPSIMS. I bet there's some comedy gold in there.  
At 4/19/2005 9:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous snarked:
Yeah, it's not like it's the mods job to create content. That's our job, or better yet, the job of those who fall off the beam. Everyone's just everyone right now. Give it time though, it always changes. Right now it's a lull. No need to slag on the mod.  
At 4/20/2005 10:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous snarked:
It might not be the mods "job" to create content but it sure helps make a place user-friendly if the mod has a sense of humor and isn't afraid to use it. Hayters was the best anon community to date just due to that fact alone. The guy participated in his own community in a fairly postive way, methinks.

Unfortunately, if he does re-open it, it will get shut down almost immediately, likely as not. We have no idea even if he IS going to re-open, we're basing our conjecture on one off-hand comment he made in his own journal. Also, if it does get shut down, will he be prepared to move it to some other venue like Dead Journal or whatever?

If the OP is really that interested, he/she should drop the Hayters mod a line and ask him what, if any, his plans are, and at least point out Dead Journal as an alternative.  
At 4/20/2005 11:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous snarked:
Dead Journal?  
At 4/20/2005 11:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous snarked:
I still don't remember what made Allanon better or different from tranwreckspot. What were some memorable topics from that one.

From what I remember, it was trainwreck spot that had ask a ho, or ask a john, and meatflaps, and several of my all time faves.  
At 4/20/2005 1:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous snarked:
Hayters was just another anon community that was only up for about 3 weeks between the closure of one and the opening of the original trainwreckspot.

It wasn't that good.

It didn't have TIME to be that good.

I'm half convinced all the posts in here about how great it was are from one person with waay too much time on their hands.  
At 4/20/2005 2:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous snarked:
Three weeks? I think you mean three days.  
At 4/20/2005 3:14 PM, Blogger secretdubai snarked:
I have a DeadJournal code, if someone is serious about wanting to start something there.

I can't find the TOS on the site, but I did find stuff to suggest they are really strict about the privacy of children. I don't think that will affect us much.  
At 4/20/2005 3:24 PM, Blogger Natasha snarked:
"It might not be the mods "job" to create content but it sure helps make a place user-friendly if the mod has a sense of humor and isn't afraid to use it.."
I don't get this, what's the difference between me and an anon participating exactly?  
At 4/20/2005 6:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous snarked:
The difference is, YOU are a humorless bitch. Most of the anons are hysterical.

Thus endeth the lesson.  
At 4/20/2005 7:00 PM, Blogger Natasha snarked:
No I'm just like Scylla! You're too stupid to "get" my humor!  
At 4/21/2005 10:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous snarked:
"I'm half convinced all the posts in here about how great it was are from one person with waay too much time on their hands."

It's at least TWO people with too much time on their hands, I assure you. I know because I'm one of them.

But you're right, it didn't have time to be that good. It could have been really good though. We should always mourn the loss of good snark potential.  

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