Umm...wherefore art thou Mockingbird?
From the submission thread:
Wasn't it Hastur? Wait! It was Mockingbird, then Hastur, then back to Mockingbird?
What? He's noticed Diane doesn't post anymore, so he can change his name back and post without having to own up to his hateful shit?
Or, I'm misremembering and y'all can laugh and point until you realize that you're reading and responding to my mistake. Fucking losers.
Explanation please?
Anyway, it seems the OP thinks Mockingbird started out as Mockingbird, then changed to Hastur, and has now changed back to Mockingbird. I don't think that's correct. I think he started out as Hastur.
Well, I think that people like Faith Is Good should be barred from using the name "Christian" for their belief system, since they don't have bishops in the Apostolic Succession (like Gene Robinson) who carry the authority of the apostles authorized by Jesus to carry on His work.
There's no true Scotsman like a holier than thou true Scotsman. Robinson was a good example to use too- really brought that church together, lol.
The PTB only allow one name change per user.
Dio's writing style is unmistakeable. I really think the post directly above "Hi, Dio" is he. Unless you're that poster and you're going to tell me you're not he.
It can certainly be used as a general insult, though.
Poly was being sarcastic.
True, he intended that post to be read as sarcastic, but given what he's said he believes, it would be hard to claim that deep down, it actually does reflect his beliefs. Then again, it's impossible to tell with him. He's all over the map, and it seems like his main motivation in posting is to get pats on the back from atheists and homosexuals about what a good, moral, noble, upstanding human being he is.
Bricker is incredibly annoying that way. He sees the injustice being done by the fundies and their hate laws, but still defends it in the name of "process". Not to invoke Godwin, but, fuck it, I will. He'd be sitting in Germany saying "Well, we did elect Hitler and all." Blind faith in the majority is a flaw.
Just like Terry Schiavo. Zing!
You're kind of dumb, aren't you?
You're kind of dumb, aren't you?
Heehee..., I don't think so.
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