What board on the SDMB do you avoid with a vengeance?
From the submission thread:
I rarely go in Great Debates. All too often it seems clogged up with the same old arguments. Also, even with good debates, there are rarely more than two posters yammering back and forth to each other for five pages.
MPSIMS is getting pretty retarded as well.
It's great. LJ interface. Proper threading of comments. No sanctimonious attitude from Engine.
Check out before this post gets deleted.
And how long do you think it's gonna survive? The chickenshits over at Live Journal will shut it down as soon as the first weasel complains.
For all the shortcomings of this place I'd rather have somewhere that I knew would still be here next time I come.
Even if the action shifts over there, hopefully BigRed can keep this place going as a permanent back up. Then if DJ does shut it down, people can drift back here.
Until some rich, wondrous uber-tech donates a domain name, dedicated server space and codes us something beautiful... ;)
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