Star Wars Geeks
From the submission thread:
This one starts out funny as Soapbox Monkey rants against those who hate the Star Wars prequels but will see them to complain. You see, Monkey is a true die hard, he loves them, he even loves the midichlorians.
Naturally, this causes some posters to get bent out of shape. Guin comes in and rambles about shit from the novelizations. The only thing sadder than a Star Wars movie geek is one who reads novelizations of the book.
Zh'enka, who is now my new favorite poster, comes in and call her stupid.
Do you have a linky for all of us who are new to the snark? Zhen'ka's comment was hiliarious
From some other posts they've made it seems the source of the bad blood between them is Lib's bitching about Native American issues like an armchair quarterback. Hes all offended at being called "Native American" because Amerigo Vesspuchi was a killer, but he hasn't done one Indian thing in his life.
And check this out:
He's flat out fucking lying about the requirements for joining the tribe. See here:
If what he said in that post is true, all he would have to do is apply. Of course, maybe they wouldn't want him. But its strange, no?
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