Sunday 10 April
Last night I wandered into #straightdope chat for the first time. At first I was surprised by the lack of snark, which I have come to believe is running riot on chat. Second, I came to learn that one of the dopers on there had sent in a Mod Application after receiving one from TubaDiva, and nothing had happened. I was surprised, why SkipMagic and not this doper? I wondered, well, if they'll have SkipMagic as a mod, why not someone modding an anonymous snark community against them? So this doper forwarded me an application.
The application included such questions as:
- What is your daytime phone number?
- What is your address?
- What ISP do you use?
And of course, the good ol':
- Why do you want to be a volunteer at The Straight Dope?
My favourite:
- Are you now or have you been an chat host or a moderator? If yes, what area(s)?
I wasn't expecting a reply, or, if any, it to look something like this.
Dear Go You Big Red Fire Engine;
Get fucked.
Your Humble Tubadiva
Instead I received this no less then 6 hours after sending my application: to me
I am in receipt of your application and I have forwarded it up the pipeline for processing.
We'll let you know as soon as you come out the other side of the vetting procedure. I'm not in charge of that, so this may take some time. Please be patient and do not take it personally; the wheels of Zotti grind slowly and exceedingly fine.
your humble TubaDiva
Which I translated to mean "get fucked". Later that same day; I receive
this email from Arnold Winkelried.
Hello, Arnold Winkelried from the SDMB here.
I see that you have sent an application to be a Straight Dope moderator. In your application you said you had experience "[m]odding various SDMB related communities." What communities were those? Could you send a link to the online communities?
moderator, Straight Dope Message Board
I can't lie, so I tell him the truth. Yes, I modded a livejournal community namd trainwreckspotting (now defunct) and I run a blog on blogspot called
trainwreckspotting. As if he didn't know already.
Suffice to say it has been a week and still no response. Damnit, why
SkipMagic and not someone running a SDMB snark community?
ADDED Engine Note: This is a joke. I don't have anything against
SkipMagic, I just wanted to see what would happen if someone in my position attempted to become a mod. Of course, Tuba bullshitted to me, and Zotti's out of the loop.